Smart Contracts
Testnet Smart Contract Address List:
SOLO Token [0x913EaaB8Ed06E76fb5437b3F63843EA4288aB926]
Staked SOLO Token [0xF3Ef34F6574831E5A7D5F9cb88f996FB9B1fd084]
Staking SOLO [0x387A54EE3f7d010C17a4d03e07b6a27Dd2DF8a51]
Gas Mining [0x7c9Ad0b3238A12b266Ef00812bc639430719F4e0]
Note: All tokens are deployed on testnet and are currently using the ERC1967Proxy (except for the SOLO Token), this is to allow us to improve on the current logic versions while keeping the storage of the contracts untouched.
Last updated